Sunday, May 15, 2022


What a great start to Term 2 for Miss Nevaeh.  She has come back to school energised and is enjoying school life.  RDA is still proving to be both enjoyable and beneficial to Nevaeh.  This week we shortened one stirrup to help Nevaeh balance better and it worked a treat.  She is getting really good at putting her left foot into the stirrup ready to mount Rio the horse with support of the wonderful RDA laddies and Jackie.  

We had lovely visits from a lot of therapists and Jane from Blennz brought us lots of new resources.  A favourite book 'Greedy Cat" has been a hit for a long time now but sadly we had to return it, but Jane has assured us that there are other titles in the series that she can access for Nevaeh in the future.  The book we have now is Smarty Pants.  It has also attracted Nevaeh's interest.  Jane spent some time with activities on the light box and also got to spend time on the new crossings freshly painted at school. 

Sam the physiotherapist came and spent time with Nevaeh at playtime as well as in class focussing on sitting on a chair, posture and positioning of feet as well as some ball games  Paula the speech language therapist also came and played different games with Nevaeh working on turn taking and saying 'again'.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

WEEK 5 + 6

Week 5 and 6

We have had a lot of fun in the past couple of weeks, Nevaeh has been enjoying swimming every second Wednesday with Sam at the town pool. Nevaeh has the biggest smile when we arrive at the pool, she is aware of what is about to happen. We greet Sam and then get ready to swim, we are at the pool for about an hour.

In the sensory room Nevaeh has been loving the books from Jane, a favourite is Greedy Cat. Nevaeh has become very familiar with the book she loves to repeat some of the words through out the story. I also set up the 3 pink drawers and put some appropriate toys etc. Nevaeh was showing some interest in opening the draws to explore, so we put a few things in each draw to start with, its nice seeing Nevaeh search and pick out what interests her. 

We have been so lucky with all our amazing sunshine on the Coast so being outside has been lovely, especially enjoying time with my cousin Chelsea, who has been on school visits. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2022


This morning I introduced Nevaeh to a new resource.  It is called '10 in the bed'.  It is made from calico and has 10 pockets.  In each pocket there is a doll made out of felt.  On one side the doll's eyes are open and on the other side they are shut.  Nevaeh pulled some dolls out, talked a lot and was having a great conversation.  A very enjoyable experience for Nevaeh (and Olivia and Maria).


This week Nevaeh's brand new PINK riding helmet arrived and Jackie took Nevaeh to RDA with this very stylish helmet on.  Jackie is now leading the horse (Rio) so Nevaeh does not turn round and keep looking for her.  This is working really well as Nevaeh is looking straight ahead now and not to the side and her posture is amazing!

Thursday, February 17, 2022


WOW - what a week!  

We have been very busy this week and once again Nevaeh and her school team have aced it.  

On Tuesday we went exploring in Hokitika where Nevaeh played on the Tambo Ship replica at the Hokitika River Mouth where Miss Nevaeh enjoyed all the sounds surrounding her   After that we went to Lazer Park for some exciting play. on the spinning wheel, swing and ship.  

On Wednesday Olivia took Nevaeh to the Hokitika Swimming Pool where Nevaeh went swimming with her physiotherapist Sam.  Lots of fun was had.

On Thursday Nevaeh, Jackie and Maria went to the Kiwi Holiday Park and played in the playground.  It was so much fun as there was so much to explore.  Nevaeh particularly enjoyed the rain maker and the ball maze.

FABULOUS NEWS - There was a rain maker sensory dial and Nevaeh enjoyed turning it and listening to what sounded like rain.  When Jackie said 'listen to the rain' Nevaeh looked up into the sky.   We could see that Nevaeh made a connection with rain falling from the sky and the sound she could hear.  It so nice to see this connection and know that Nevaeh is making so much cognitive progress!

After the Kiwi Holiday Park we went to RDA and her brother Ollie went riding with her. This was their first RDA session for this year.  Nevaeh got to ride Rio and Ollie got to ride Sandy.  A beautiful day for it.

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Nevaeh has had a lovely start to Kaniere School 2022 in Ruma Tui!  On the first day Nevaeh was comfortable and knew that she was in her old class even though there were some changes in the layout of desks as well as different children.  She coped amazingly and she was happy to be back in Mrs Long's classroom as well as being back with Olivia!  A highlight throughout the day was when Olivia got the bubbles out t and Nevaeh enjoyed every minute of it.  There was just so much going on.

On Thursday Nevaeh had her first half day with Jackie Matthews as her teacher aide.  Usually we would have had RDA to go to but RDA does not start back till next week.  Nevaeh spent time in and out of class and below are some photos capturing the moments where she was passing the ball to Jackie for a considerable amount of time as well as having fun tapping tunes through the library window to each other.


What a great start to Term 2 for Miss Nevaeh.  She has come back to school energised and is enjoying school life.  RDA is still proving to b...